Welcome to my site, I love Guinea Pigs and I currently have two of the Little Cuties.
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Things I Keep in the Cupboard For Guinea Pig Illness

Posted by Sarah, Guinea Pig Supplies Editor | Posted in

This is a list of useful items that I like to have in my cabinet, just in case you want them for any guinea pig illnesses.
These are everyday things that you can buy over the counter on online I recommend the National Pet Pharmacy for Good Products & Price!
I would put an explanation on it, so its easy to grab when you feel the need to.
There are no antibiotics or medicated eye drops, or prescription medications here. Please consult a Veterinarian before using anything which is medical.

Electrolyte solutions,
for any guinea pigs that may have diarrhea or are not drinking adequately. Note that some of these products may have a high-sugar content: guinea pigs can not handle high- or complex-sugar diets. It is best to stick with infant products, such as Pedialyte, which are sugar-free.
Acidophlius powder (with lactobacilli), a probiotic for use as additional Its function is to provide a supply of the natural, intestinal flora that aid in digestion. Some antibiotics can kill off these natural bacteria, leading to diarrhea.
Pediatric simethicone, which helps to eliminate gas, a source of intolerable pain in guinea pigs.
Kaopectate can be given after diarrhea, though you should note that it treats the diarrhea only, and not any potential causes (entiritis, parasites, bacterial infections, etc.).
Hydrogen peroxide is useful for flushing out wounds and abcesses, and can even be used to remove hardened urine and urine stains from the guinea pig's coat. It should be used at a 3% concentration.
Patroleum jelly, for softening the hardened lumps on guinea pigs.
Vitamin C tablets, generally the chewable kind, are for emergencies when large doses of vitamin C are necessary (scurvy, etc.).
Baby food, particularly carrots and bananas, for hand-feeding guinea pigs who can't eat themselves.
Guinea Pig shampoo that is mild and safe for use on guinea pigs,
Guinea Pig Mite Spray: These are for treatment of lice and some varieties of skin mites.
Eucalyptus oil, for the relief of congested breathing. Note that this treats symptoms only, and not any potential causes (respiratory infections, etc.). Also note that eucalyptus oil should not be injested, as it is toxic.
Quick stop. If a toenail breaks, or you accidentally cut the quick when trimming your guinea pig's nails, this product can be applied to the exposed area in order to clot the blood and stop the bleeding.
Eye droppers, for feeding juices or water to a guinea pig.
Open/needleless syringes, in the 1cc and 5cc (or 3 cc) sizes, for administering exact doseages of oral medications. You may need several of these, as the rubber plungers may wear out after a few uses.
Worm RId Keep your guinea pig health, put drops in thier water every few months.

I have a useful Guinea Pig Glossary that may help in some of the Terms that Vet's may use or just to help you understand about guinea pigs.

I also have more Guinea Pig information for you to look at.Differences between the Guinea Pig Breeds which may interest you.

I got this useful idea for my from a list of pet illness I saw on www.beanmakers.com
Have fun with your Piggy!

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